宁波圣博新能源有限公司是一家汇集众多太阳能科技技术,以及专业人才,研究、开发、利用太阳能资源的高新技术企业。本公司利用国际先进的专用设备,通过精心的设计,严格的质量控制体系及完美的生产工艺,专业生产各种型号、规格的单晶硅、多晶硅太阳能组件,其质量完全符合标准。本公司还利用自己生产的核心材料太阳能组件,用于配套生产等其他特殊应用产品及工程。 公司自成立来专业从事太阳能电池组件、太阳能能源发电系统的开发、研究与推广,产品行销全国及欧美地区,已经形成较大的客户群体和网络,建立了广泛的市场客户平台。
随着太阳能资源的利用和产品的深入开发, 从而使太阳能电力这一取之不尽、用之不竭的绿色能源走进千家万户,为人类的发展创造更美好的明天 !
Our company, Ningbo Sunboy New Energy Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer of solar panels. We produce solar panels and also design and provide complete solar system solution. In the past years, we have exported our products all the world around. Our company boasts advanced equipments and facilities, capable to produce on large quantity basis.
Aimed to become a top manufacturer in this field, we put great values on product quality. And high-quality is our first policy. We care for credit, and offer the most honest service. During the years’ of diligent management, our products have won full trust of a vast number of customers from all over the world.
We promise that we will never stop to improve, both our products and our service, from better to the best.
随着太阳能资源的利用和产品的深入开发, 从而使太阳能电力这一取之不尽、用之不竭的绿色能源走进千家万户,为人类的发展创造更美好的明天 !
Our company, Ningbo Sunboy New Energy Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer of solar panels. We produce solar panels and also design and provide complete solar system solution. In the past years, we have exported our products all the world around. Our company boasts advanced equipments and facilities, capable to produce on large quantity basis.
Aimed to become a top manufacturer in this field, we put great values on product quality. And high-quality is our first policy. We care for credit, and offer the most honest service. During the years’ of diligent management, our products have won full trust of a vast number of customers from all over the world.
We promise that we will never stop to improve, both our products and our service, from better to the best.
- 主要经营产品:
- 太阳能板;太阳能组件;太阳能滴胶板;太阳能路灯;太阳能电池片;太阳能发电机;太阳能水泵;太阳能手电筒;太阳能充电器;太阳能空调;太阳能汽车;太阳能玩具;PET太阳能板;太阳能包;太阳能充电器
- 经营范围:
- 太阳能晶片、太阳能组件、太阳能灯具、发电设备、家用电器的制造、加工、批发、零售;自营或代理货物和技术的进出口,但国家限制经营或禁止进出口的货物和技术除外。
- 营业执照号码:
- 330212000182932
- 法人代表:
- 陈辉
- 经营模式:
- 生产厂家
- 成立时间:
- 2010-12-23
- 职员人数:
- 51人
- 注册资本:
- 100 (万元)
- 官方网站:
- 未提供
- 地址:宁波 宁波市鄞州区云龙工业区龙跃路155号
- 邮编:315104
- 电话:(0574)88375990
- 联系人:陈辉
- 手机:13336668622
- 传真:86 0574 86162062
- Email:colin@nbsunboy.com